Objective. To study the prevalence of polymorphic variants of genes responsible for the development of hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system among the population of Azerbaijan on the example of a sample group of patients with hypertension.
Materials and methods. 127 patients with hypertension disease of the Azerbaijan Scientific-research Institute of Cardiology named after Dz. Abdullayev. The subjects were divided into 2 age and 2 gender groups. The subject of research was polymorphic genes responsible for the development of hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The main method of work was genotyping, which was carried out using polymerase chain reaction, genomic sequences detected during SNP screening were determined in the database using the BLAST program (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) for comparison of nucleotide and amino acid sequences.
Results. The prevalence of polymorphisms of candidate genes among the age groups of male and female population of Azerbaijan in the comparative aspect is Shown. As a result, within the same age group, the greatest similarity of genotypes in genes encoding proteins of the thrombosis system (SRT) was revealed. In terms of genes that cause the work of the renin-angiotensive system (RAS) group, more significant differences were noted, especially in terms of heterozygous variants and norm.
Conclusions. It was noted that heterozygous variants of the studied genes were more common in men than in women. In the female population, the proportion of homozygous mutant genotypes is higher. When comparing the two age groups of men and women, it was noted that more similarities were shown by groups older than 35 years.
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