Purpose of the study. İdentify patterns of distribution of nerves in the muscles.
Material and Metods. Research is carried out by a makromikroskopic method on 124 preparations taken from corpses of people of both sexes. In the research we used from methods by Veygert-Pal and Krutsay that revealed the myelin fibers.
Results. In the research observed the features of extra and intramuscular nerve branches dependence on structural features of these muscles. We are determined that increasing quality and relations of the intramuscular nerve ramification dependence on age. The data obtained indicate that in the picture of the extramuscular and intramuscular distribution of nerves muscles for expression reflect the structure and function of each muscle separately. The nerves in the muscles form various forms of branching, which can simultaneously occur in different parts of the muscle according to its structural features. In the muscles themselves, there are numerous connections between the nerve trunks. The number of nerve branches and connections between them increases with age inside the muscle.
Conclusions. Certain patterns of the distribution of nerves in the muscles, which are explained in the peculiarities of the development of the neuromuscular apparatus of the head, are revealed.
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