e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
System analysis of hypothalamo-cortical cross-correlation EEG relations in the formation of conditional emotionally-negative reactions
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The purpose and objective of the study: To elucidate the features of the spatio-temporal manifestations of the advancing and reinforcing excitements, which vary in phase shifts (ms) and the maximum values ​​of the cross-correlation function of the EEG voltage rhythm (4-7 Hz) of the projection zones of the cortex and posterior hypothalamus, as well as to trace their relationships at different stages of formation of a conditional emotionally negative reaction.

Materials and methods: The experiments were performed on 11 awake rabbits with chronically implanted electrodes in the sensorimotor, temporal and occipital cortex, as well as in the posterior hypothalamus and reticular formation.

Results: The averaged data showed that during the first five combinations of tone with electrodermal reinforcement, the maximum values of cross-correlation functions in the intersignal intervals increased during the application of a conditioned irritant, but most of all under the influence of pain irritation. In the last stage, conditioned reflex excitement proceeds at a higher level of connection between the rhythm of the tension of the hypothalamus and the cortical projection region of the conditioned stimulus. Reflecting the parameters of pain reinforcement programmed in the action acceptor, the conditioned reflex excitement becomes faster in relation to the result of real reinforcement.

 Summary: A systematic approach using cross-correlation analysis of EEG revealed new spatio-temporal quantitative data in the formation of prestarting integration-acceptor of the results of the action of the reinforcing excitement of a conditionally defensive reaction. Analysis of cross-correlograms showed both “impulse” and “reverberation” type of EEG communication, established in the relationship between the cortex and the hypothalamic emotiogenic pacemaker structure.


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Negative reactions
phase shifts
electroencephalogram Негативные реакции
фазовые сдвиги
электроэнцефалограмма mənfi reaksiyalar
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