e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
About the state of the qlandular structure of the larunx under of the sulfurous waters
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Aim. In the research is the study about morpological changes in the laryngeal glands.

Material and methods: In the research were taken 20 male rats (3-4 month) with the weight 180-200 gr. We used from the stain with the hematoxilin-eozine, picrofuxin and  provide Shic reastions.

Result: Due to the effects of sulfurous waters, morphological regression is observed in laryngeal glands. The density of the localization of the glands, the thickness of the initial part (1,3 times) and quantity, the decreasing area (1,4 times), the secretory epithelium, partial lesions of the integumentary epithelium in mucous coat of the laryngeal glands.

Conclusion: This information may be used for lectures on otorhinolaryngology, medical rehabilitation and resort for students of Medical universities.


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laryngeal glands
sulfurous water
lymphatic tissue
lymph glands Гортань
сульфидные ванны
лимфатическая ткань, лимфатические железы laringeal bezlər
kükürdlü su
limfa toxuması
limfa vəziləri