e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
The importance of immunomodulators in treatment of chronic ton- sillitis
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpose of the study: to study the effect of immunomodulators during the conservative treatments to attain remission and compensation stage and protect immune function of tonsils when there is no indication for tonsillectomy.

Material and methods: Observation were held in 1 year in ambulatory condition. Important criteria is prescription of immunomodulators in recovery period of patients with chronic tonsillitis anamnesis as a part of complex treatment. The patients were divided treatment and control group. Immunomodulators added to complex treatment to 50 patients with treatment group. 30 patients members of control group receive a standart treatment. All patients with Strep throat prescribed the antibacterial therapy.

Results: The residive decrease twice less (7 patients 14%) in treatment group, 7 patients 23,3% in control group. There were 8 patients (16%) treatment group and 10 patients (33,3%) in during early observation period. The same moment the complication the condition of general health and palatine tonsil in treatment group 20 (40%) patients, 13 patients (42%) control group.

Thereby the acuteness of chronic tonsillitis (strep throat and complication) have been 33 patients (66%)in treatment group, 25 patients (83,3%) in control group.

Conclusion: The advantage of immunomodulatorsapplication in complex treatment are reduced the residives and inci- dence of acute tonsillitis.


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immun system Иммуномодулятор
иммунная система obstruktiv sindrom