e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Macromorphological characters of long - eared hedgehogs (hemiechinus auritus g. 1770) in habitat of AzerbaijanMacromorphological characters of long - eared hedgehogs (hemiechinus auritus g. 1770) in habitat of Azerbaijan
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The purpose of the study. In article presents the results of years of research on environmental of microbiology of the river Akstafachay and Akstafachayskogo reservoir. Revealed, that the river formed on the territory of the Armenian Republic and the river Akstafachay heavily polluted municipal, industrial wastewater of some areas of the northeast- ern region of Armenia. Also found that the enriched labile organic matter and periphyton-enterobacteria allochthonous origin, pond on trophic refers to eutrophic, sanitary-hydrobiological estimates - to polusaprobnym types, this water of rivers and reservoirs are not suitable for drinking.

Materials and methods of the study. For determine the role of mikromitcety-migrant in the mineralization of organic substrates, also an active participant of the process of self-purification were used water samples from the sediment,also submerged decaying and the stems of reeds, cane, algae, macrophytes, exuvia insects and fish remains.

Results of the study. For the first time were obtained information about the quality and quantity of mycelial micro- scopic fungi at freshwater for example of the Mingachevir water reservoir, and explored mikromitcetami-migrant oxi- dation organic substances of autochthonous and allochthonous origin.

Finally. Is established that for the development of seasonal mikromitsetov-migrants in the Mingachevir reservoir are hogs. Thus, the skull sizes of north population representatives of long - eared hedgehogs are lower than the south population individuals. Changes in the indexes of internal organs of long - eared hedgehogs are observed specifically in each studied regions of our republic. In such case the observed interregional difference is not high.


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Long - eared hedgehog
european hedgehog
thorn Ушастый ежик
европейский еж
колючка Qulaqlı kirpi
adi kirpi