The aim of the research is to determine the morphology, bioecological characteristics, taxonomic status in the terio- fauna of our republic of hedgehog kinds encountered in Azerbaijan.
The material and methods of the research: Hedgehogs collected from different regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan were used as material. The information obtained as a result of research were calculated according to N.A. Plokhinskiy and E.V. Ivanter, A.V. Korosova and mathematical mistakes were reduced. Morphophysiological indicator method proposed by Pavlinov et all was used while determining the kind.
The results of the research: Long - eared hedgehogs reaches the maximum weight increase before the winter sleep, in this issue sexual dimorphism is shown. Craniological indicators of studied long - eared hedgehogs changes on each studied regions characteristically and a sufficient difference is observed between minimal and maximal sizes. In the early stage of postnatal development, rapid development of thorns and hardening in a short period are the symptoms of the adaptation gained by hedgehogs for the sake of living in their historical development. Index of internal organs of long - eared hedgehogs shows that relative weight of heart and liver changes depending on the seasons of year, physio- logical condition, gender and age of animal.
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