e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Myxosporeans fauna of caspian roach (rutilus rutilus caspicus ja- kowlev) in the the water bodies of Azerbaijan
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The aim of the research: Caspian roach - Rutilus rutilus caspicus (Jakowlev, 1870) is one of the significant industrial fish of Caspian water basin. However, there is certain information on the parasite fauna of this fish in the water basins of Azerbaijan in the literature, its myxosporeans were studied sufficiently.

The material and methods of the research: The analyses, collections done in the different water basins of Azerbaijan in 1995-1999 and 2008-2010 were material for this thesis. Upon commonly approved full parasitological dissection method, 108 Caspian roaches - Rutilus rutilus caspicus (Jakowlev, 1870) caught in Middle Kura, Lower Kura, lower flow of River Araz, Akstafachay, Turianchay, Lankaranchay, Azerbaijani coasts of Middle Caspian and Southern Cas- pian with other fishes were studied. As a result of dissection of both fresh, both frozen fishes after unfreezing, both vegetative forms, both spores encountered in the cells, tissues and cavities of organs were found. In the identification process of the found myxosporeans and to specify their morphological specifications, collection materials of labora- tory for water animal parasites of ANAS Zoology Institute were considered.

Results of the research: 19 kinds of myxosporeans were found in 104 Caspian roaches studied in the water basins of Azerbaijan. It was noted kinds from 9 to 13 in the gills, kidneys and muscles. 1-5 kinds in liver, gall bladder, spleen, urinary bladder, heart, intestinal walls, tissues of flippers, eyes and head brain of this fish. It was found 7 kinds myxo- sporeans in Caspian roach in Lower Kura, 6 in Middle Kura, 5 in Middle Caspian, 4 in Middle Kura. Aras and Aksta- fachay, 2 in Turianchay.

Result: During 1995 - 1999 and 2008- 2010, 104 roach fish were studied in different water basins of Azerbaijan and  19 kinds of myxosporeans were found. All found myxosporeans originated from boreal plain. One of the kinds is de- termined pathogenic for fish.


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Caspian roach
Caspian water basin Каспийский водный бассейн
Каспийская плотва Külmə balığı
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