The purpose of the study. The aim of the present work was to compare the dimensional indicators of the orbit according to the shape and size of the cerebral skull.
Materials and methods of the study.The object of the research was to study 80 different human skulls of adults taken from the craniological collection of the fundamental museum of Department of Human Anatomy and Medical Terminology of the Azerbaijan Medical University. Research is carried out by cranioscopic and craniometric methods. We compared the structure and size of the orbit on researched skulls.
Results of the study. The measurements made on the skull showed that the average length of the skull is 160.0 ± 0.9 mm, width is 127.0 ± 0.6mm, and height is 116.0 ± 0.5 mm. The cranial index ranges from 72.5 to 84.8 (on average 76.0 ± 0.1). The values of the cranial index showed that the most of the investigated material was the skulls with a median cranial index. By the comparison of the parameters of the orbit with the shape and size of skull we determined that the minimum length of the orbit which is 37–47 mm mostly found on brachiocephalic skull forms, in control the maximum length of the orbit which is 43-50 mm mostly founded on dolichosephalic skull
Finally, it should be noted that compared the dimensional indicators of the orbit with the shape and size of the brain skull we determined that the orbits with the less length are found in brachiocephalic skulls, and the longest orbits are founded in dolichocephalic skulls. Long- and wide-shaped skulls are seen in 78.6 and 64.4% of cases, with deep and medium-sized orbits, and deep and medium-size orbits.
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