Purpose of the study. To study the dynamics of age-related changes in BAP and MP in humans.
Material and research methods. We studied the structure and blood supply of BAP in fetus, newborns and children of various ages (116 preparats) and MP in fetus, newborns, children and adults up to 80 years old (76 left and right pre- parats). The anatomy and topography of BAP and MP were studied by the method of fine fitting according to V.P. Vorobev. The structure and vessels of organs were studied after injection of the vascular bed with a suspension of Pa- risian blue in chloroform and mercurial cinnabar in gasoline, after which sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and according to Van Gison.
Result. BAP and MP reach full development in the prenatal period and function equally intensively in early child- hood. BAP has various forms. The most intensive increase in organ size is noted in the second half of intrauterine de- velopment, in newborns and children in the first months of life. From the early stages of development, MP is charac- terized by lobular structure. The intraorgan circulatory system of an organ contains all vascular components related to the microcirculatory system. The reverse development of BAP begins with 3 years and by 12-14 years it undergoes complete involution. The structure of MP in fetus, newborns, and child’s under 12 years old is almost unchanged. Re- structuring in the MP, expressed in the growth of connective tissue, a violation of the lobation of the structure of the organ and a progressive decrease in the parenchyma, begins with 12 years. However, parenchymal cells in the para- ganglia partially persist until very old age.
Conclusion. BAP and MP development in the prenatal period and function intensively in early childhood.
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