e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
The mechanism of formation of an isolated fracture of the upper walls of the eye orbits
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpose of investigation: Study the mechanism of formation of isolated fractures of the upper walls of the orbits. Material and methods: Studied 12 cases of isolated fracture of upper walls of eye orbit of the modeling on bio manne- quins. Fracture be investigated by sight and using magnifying glass lense of varying degrees of increase.

Results: The upper walls of eye sockets, which do not have sponge layer, consist of 2 thin compact plates with a total thickness of generally not exceeding 0,08 sm. These plates are to some extent membrane like pliable. Fracture lines were determined in the frontal direction and the action of traumatic force from back to front.

Conclusions: Atthemoment of the collision of the occipital area, when a shock wave (shock-traumatic deformation) falls on a hard-flat surface, at its maximum, taking into account the membrane of the upper wall of the eye sockets, it slightly presses them into the eye sockets. But fractures of the upper wall of the eye orbits are formed after the termi- nation of the shock wave during the return of the upper wall of the orbits to the initial (before injury) position.


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Shock wave
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