e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Immunohistochemical characteristics of expression of thyroid stimulating hormone and vascular endothelial growth factor
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpoze of the study. Immunohistochemical analysis of TSH and VEGF expression in the diagnostic evaluation of various forms of goiter.

Material and Metods. When studying the expression of TSH and VEGF, samples of waxed tissues of fixed 12% for- malin were used. Incubations were performed with anti-VEGF165 antibodies and anti-TSH-clone antibodies (“BioGenex” ABŞ) at a broken ratio of 1:50.

Conclusions. Determined, that adenomatous multinodular goiter unlike diffuse toxic goiter detected more higher coef- ficient nuclear death – 1% and lower mitotic coefficient – 0,2%. Diffuse toxic goiter is characterized by a pronounced expansion of the capillary lumen.

Results. Instead, with diffuse toxic goiter the diameter of the lumen of the capillaries, cytoplasma and core thyrocytes, number of follicles and thyrocytes is significantly higher compare to multinodular toxic goiter.


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Thyroid gland
thyroid stimulating hormone
endothelial vascular growth factor Щитовидная железа
тиреостимулирующий гормон
эндотелиальный сосудистый фактора роста. Qalxanvarı vəzi
tiroid stimullaşdırıcı hormon
endotel damar artım amil