e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
About chemical heterogeneity of neurons of sensorimotor region of cortex of large hemispheres of brain
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpose of the study. The aim of the study was a microelectrode studying of the specificity of choline-sensitive neu- rons in the sensory-motor region of the cerebral cortex.

Material and methods of research. The material for the study was neurons of the sensory-motor region of the rabbit cortex. The method of registering the impulse activity of neurons by means of glass microelectrodes at intracarotid injection of atropine was used.

Results of the study and their discussion. Results of the study and their discussion. Our  experiments have shown  that at intracarotid injection of atropine, some cortical neurons respond by increasing and others by decreasing of impulses. In some cases, reverse effects are observed after reintroduction of atropine, i.e. if neuronal impulse is slowed after the first injection, it increases after reintroduction and vice versa. Neurons in which impulse activity was suppressed after both the first and repeated injection of atropine were in most cases found at depths of 1511-1960 µm in the anterior right sensory motor cortex. Neurons, in which after the first injection of atropine there was suppression, and after re- peated - enhancement of impulse activity, were recorded at depths 1984-2124 µm.

Conclusion. Neurons which activity was suppressed with the first injection of atropine have M-сholinoreactive, and  the neurons blocked only after a repeated injection of atropine – N-сholinoreactive nature. The dynamism of pulse activity found after an atropine injection, is something other as an indicator of chemical heterogeneity of the receptive substances blocked and not blocked under the influence of different doses of the applied cholinolytic.


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M- and H-choline-reactive neurons
impulse activity
sensory-motor cortex
atropine М- и Н-холинореактивные нейроны
импульсная активность
сенсомоторная кора
атропин M- və H-xolinergik neyronlar
impuls fəaliyyəti
sensorimotor korteks