e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Role of the components of the metabolic syndrome in development of abdominal obesity
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Abdominal type obesity is one of the major risk factors for the formation of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a symptom cascade accompanied by a combination of hormonal and clinical disorders. Analysis of literature sources shows that the pathogenetic basis of metabolic syndrome is hyperinsulinemia, which occurs as insulin resistance and compensatory. During this syndrome, certain disorders occur in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism that result in arterial pressure breakdown due to vasodilatation of endothelium.


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metabolic syndrome
metabolism ожирение
метаболический синдром
метаболизм piylənmə
metabolik sindrom
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