e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Influence of mexidol on the LPOs change intensivity into the brain structures of white male rats during chronic alcoholization
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Particular attention is paid to the detection of changes occurring in the cells and tissues of the body during their chronic adhesion of ethanol and their essential components. If the physico-chemical parameters of the cell do not provide the chronic effect of ethanol, then the administration of antioxidants, especially those that help keep these physical and chemical parameters stable, allows the pathological processes from the chronic effects of ethanol to change in the desired direction.


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ethanol acceptance
chronic ethanol
enzymes принятие этанола
хронический этанол
ферменты etanolun qəbulu
xroniki etanol