e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Clinical diagnostic value faecal calprotectin at newborns during necrotizing enterocolitis
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Necrotic enterocolitis in neonates is a non-specific inflammatory disease, caused by infectious agents caused by local defensive mechanisms, and is a disease leading to generalized inflammatory reactions as a result of hypoxic-ischemic damage to mucous membranes. In recent years, certain insights have been expressed about the importance of fecal calphotectin in the diagnosis of necrotic enterocolitis.


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necrotic enterocolitis
fecal calprotecht некротический энтероколит
фекальный кальпротектин nekrotik enterokolit
fekal kalprotekt