Purpose of the study. The purpose of the research is to determine the height-weight indicators and the constitutional-typological features of the RDA in girls aged 16-20.
Material and Methods. Anthropometry and bioimppedance methods have been studied by 755 girls aged 16-20 in Azerbaijan, of whom 329 were 16-17 and 426 were girls aged 18-20.
Results. Among the 16-17-year-old girls surveyed, 74 were leptosomes, 99 were mezosomes, 126 were megalosomes, and 30 were unspecified. In the representatives of girls aged 18-20, the leptosome constitution type was 78, mesosomes 160, megalosomes 140, and indefinite constitution - 140. The BMI's somatotypic and age-specific analysis revealed very serious individual and somatotypic variation indices. Thus, it has been established that, as noted by other authors, the rate of BMI in the norm in girls of Azerbaijani nationality depends largely on the type of body mass of girls; Therefore, consideration of the BMI without somatotypic evaluation can not be considered honest.
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