e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Characteristics of pelviometric indices of the pelvis of girls 16-21 years
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The aim of the study is to determine the pelvicometric parameters and indexes on normal and narrow bowls in the age category.

Materials and Methods: Blood groups included in the study material consisted of: normal shaped bowls (14), commonly narrowed (6) and transverse shortened (6) forms. The diameters of the cross-section diameter of less than 11.8 cm and the small bowl outlet are less than 10.5 cm in the narrow, narrowed form. Because we have less than 1.5 cm of average values, we have included them in the common equilibrium form of the bowl (other than the true cone, diagonal conjuncture, diagonal diameter, spanner axis, width of the transverse dimension, etc.).

Conclusions: Results. According to the results obtained, the maximum parameters of the parameters were more commonly found in the normal patch group. Minimal indicators are more frequently found in the commonly narrowed pelvic form. There are statistically significant differences in pelviometric signs of youth. At this time, not only narrow and normal shaped bowls, but also narrow configuration bins differ in the parameters. The maximum values ​​of pelvometric symptoms are observed in the normal bowel group, and the minimum values ​​are determined in the group with a narrow contraction. Crossed shrink forms take intermediate positions in this age group on the numerical parameters.


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Young girls
pelviometric indexes молодые девушки
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