e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Description of normal and patomorphological features of the thyroid gland in different situations in organism
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpose. The aim of the research consists of determination the morphological features of thyroid gland in human and in experimental condition.

Material and methods. The investigation materials consist of 28 patient thyroid glands in 25-70 years old, 11preparats which were taken from human corpses and glands of 20 rats in experiment; the materials were stained with the hematoksilin-eozine and silver-impregnation method by Bilshovski - Gross for the study tissue status.

Results. I. Symmetric and asymmetric forms were determined on the left and right lobes of the 8 human thyroid gland. The symmetric lobes of the thyroid gland prefer in males than females. Asymmetry more marked on the left lobe of the thyroid gland of both sex in adulthood and in the elderly ages. The proportion of different forms of lobes of the gland was lesser in males than females. The morphological and functional changes in activity of the thyroid gland have been reported as phase-dependent of irritation.  Some morphological changes in the thyroid gland reveal the reactivity of the organism and the reaction of the organism to external irritants. In the research we used from the 28 thyroid glands, which were taken from human corpses and the materials were stained with the hematoksilin-eozine. As a result of the histological examination of the preparations, there was a significant difference in the diameter of the follicles in male and females. The difference in the diameter of the thyroid gland follicles is observed as increased and decreased. The obtained results are important in comparative analysis of morphometric indices of the thyroid gland.


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Thyroid gland
hormones Щитовидная железа
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