Aim. Macro-microscopic oscillations of thymus in the semiconductor crust.
Material and methods. На 25 крысах весом 180-220 г. with the aid of anatomical, histological, cytological and morphometric methods of learning thymus morphology.
Results. In the histological scenes, the thymus of the controlling throat is seen through a long stroke organ. Дольки в тимусе различного размера и различной формы. The thymus is covered with a capillary capsule, and the sides are looking at the tonic traces of the sudden tissue, and the beams are interrupted by the body. At microscopic thymus microscopic (2.5x and 10x 10 microscopic growth), the organs are accounted for in the so-called zone of intoxication and in the centrifugal zone.
Conclusion. Only a therapeutic study of thymus with the modern requirements of balneology and immunology did not go away. The results of the general public processes of the water-grose-mediated procedure have not been thoroughly investigated by modern morphological investigations, such as the immune system of the central organism, and nosatas or specific characteristics.
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