e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Hystoultrastructure of the gastrocnemius muscle during physical load
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Purpose of the investigation. The research consists of studying the histoultrastructure of gastrocnemius muscle of mature adult rats (1.3.5 months), during the long-term moderate physical load.

Material and methods. The experiment was conducted on 30 male ruts unknown to the sex line. Histological, electron-microscopic and morphometric examination methods are used to study the histological structure of the muscle.

Conclusion. The results of histological researches showed an increase in blood vessels and blood aggression, increased eosonophilia and aggregation of blood elements. Electron microscopic examinations showed an increase in the number and size of mitochondria, the expansion of sarcoplasmatic reticulum ducts and the growth of micropinocytosis in capillary endothelium. According to the results of morphometric examination, the proportion of mitochondria, mitochondria with a length of more than 3 sarcomers and sarcoplasmatical reticulum elements is increasing of the relative decline in the share of miofibrils in the single volume of sarcoplasma.

Result. The findings suggest that the physical load of moderate mode causes compensatory adaptation mechanisms in the skeletal muscles.


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long-term physical load
gastrocnemius muscle
histoultrastructure длительная физическая нагрузка
икроножная мышца
гистоультраструктура uzun müddətli fiziki yüklənmə
qastroknemius əzələsi