e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the efficacy of hirudotherapy based on dopplerography of foot dorsal artery (DAS) in patients with type 2 diabetes.
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Methods and Methods: Forty patients with Type 2 diabetes were observed. The mean age was 58.5 + -1.9 years (15 men and 25 women), diabetes duration was 10.6 + 5 years. 70% of patients received sulfaurea preparations, 30% sulfaurea and insulin. Glycolized hemoglobin (HBA) was moderate at 9.9% + 0.2, and this is equivalent to sub-sensation (4.8%). Hirudotherapy Kamenev Yu.Ya. was implemented in accordance with the recommended method. [7]. The selection and evaluation of compliance with the medical leak were performed at the Medical Biology and Genetics Department. Dopplerography of lower extremity vessels was used in this group, Picot-Madison apparatus (South Korea). The duplex mode research was carried out with energy doping and two options were provided: a) energy doppler (ED-1), which provides the appearance of blood flow in a single-blue background; b) Energy Doppler (ED-2), B-mode tissue image reflects information in the form of a blood-bulging topographical indication combined with the registration of color Doppler spectrum in pulse-wave mode.

      Results. In this study, the lower extremity is an integral part of the bloodstream layer of the dorsal artery of the foot. Hirudotherapy has been clinically and instrumental assessment before and after. Clinically, the development of the lower extremity pain was a form of development. The thickness of the vascular wall after hirudotherapy has diminished significantly. The stenosis rate remained the same and the morphological parameters of the obstructive variable arteries did not change. In patients with type 2 diabetes, the Doppler parameters of the dorsal artery before and after hirudotherapy showed a significant increase in the systolic wave velocity, and the mean and peak gradient decreased. Gosling's fluctuation index has dramatically increased, and the resistance indicator Pusealo has diminished. The area of ​​the dorsal artery of the foot has increased on both sides. After the heurotherapy, the volume of blood flow increased in the cutaneous and vascular segment.

      Finish. Hirudotherapy did not affect the degree and morphology of the dorsal artery of the foot, influenced the vascular vein thickness, and increased lumen influenced the increase in arterial blood flow.


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Second-class diabetes
dorsal artery
hirudotherapy диабет типа-2
метод доплерография II tip şəkərli diabet
doppleroqrafiya metodu