e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
On the need to change the name of prostate in russian-specific regulatory documents
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The use of various interpretations and terms, the presence of discrepancies in the description of the prostate remains a matter of discussion in view of the structural features and functions of the organ. The dates are presented in the educa- tional and scientific literature require revision and refinement. This review provides an analysis of modern literature, identifies possible causes that led to confusion in the use of different terminology, and suggests solutions to the prob- lem. The first way is simpler and more acceptable. ICD-11 and its Russian-language translation have not yet been ap- proved in section 16 of the ICD-11, in the names of diseases under the codes GA90 - GA91, the term “prostate gland” should be replaced with the latinism of the “prostate” that is understandable to everyone and legalized in anatomical terminology. The second way is to make significant changes to the official lists of Russian equivalents of international anatomical, histological and embryological terminologies and leave the Russian-language version of the ICD un- changed.


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