e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
Learning the effective section of craniometric "yelpic" method in the warming of asymmetry of the solution
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


Aim. The task of the study was to study the degree of effectiveness of craniometric determination of asymmetry in the face of the method of "Fan".

Material and methods. The study was conducted on 120 human skulls of various periods of intestinal development selected from the craniolic collection of the Museum of Human Anatomy of the Azerbaijan Medical University.

The asymmetry in the face of the Castle has been studied by the method of "Fan". According to this method, the face clamp is divided upward, down and side by "jaws". Figures obtained as a result of the research were statistically analyzed and analyzed.

Results. The distribution of the study material showed that almost half of the material studied was medium-sized and slightly smaller, with long-faced skulls. The wide face is set at least in the skulls. Studying the skulls by the "Fan" method showed that the largest degree of asymmetry of the skull is characteristic for the distance from the nasion point to the fronto-temporal point.

There are no statistically significant differences between the dimensions of all 10 indicators of the "Top Range". In the "side-by-side" precision asymmetry (1.0) at the distance from the point-to-point point to the suture of the nose; The left-round asymmetry (-0.5), which is exactly the distance from the point-to-point to dacrima, is defined. As a result of the analysis of the "lower range", it was determined that substantially the right asymmetry (1.0) from the subspinal point to the nasal passage was significantly significant in the distance between the subspinal point and the minimum width of the nozzle (-0.7) Although asymmetry (0.5) is observed at a distance between the subspinal point and the nose-forehead suture, the asymmetry is not indicated at the distance between the subspinal point and the infarorbital point (0).


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