e-ISSN: 2618-0979     print ISSN: 2618-0960
The main features of the lymph circle of the liver during exogen and endogen toxicosis in the eksperiment
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Journal of Theoretical, Clinical and Experimental Morphology


The aim: To study the changes in the lymph circle of the liver as exogen and endogen intoxication model . Material and Methods: The researches were conducted on the rabbit of 48 chinchillas of the Azerbaijan Medical University Scientific Research Center. 8 of them were killed and exposed as a result of methodological mistakes made while practicing. The remaining 40 head rabbits were put into practice in the plan and divided into the following groups respectively.

Results. The results obtained show that the inclusion of toxic substances into the body by the respiratory tract lymph flow in the liver is delayed parallel to the duration of intoxication. Based on our findings, we believe that as a result of acute lymphoid dysfunction, the toxic substance accumulates into the interscional area and causes edema of the tissue. The latter case further deepens the deteriorated blood supply. the gastrointestinal model has two-phase effects on the lymph flow rate in the background. On the first day of the model, the velocity of the lymphatic flow increased, but in the following days this level decreased and decreased to normal. The results of this research show that histochemical quantities of HPA in liver tissue of shinshilla rats increased 3.3 times in comparison with the intake situation.


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lymph circulation экспериментальный
лимфообращение eksperiment
limfa dövranı